The Young Innovative Brain Behind 'KnowCovid19' Nigeria Abideen Olasupo live on BBC Program - 9japarrot


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Tuesday, 12 May 2020

The Young Innovative Brain Behind 'KnowCovid19' Nigeria Abideen Olasupo live on BBC Program

The Young Innovative Brain Behind 'KnowCovid19' Nigeria Abideen Olasupo live on BBC Program

May 12, 2020

Co-founder of KnowCovid19 Nigeria, Mr. Olasupo Abideen participated in a live chat with BBC in the early hours of May 12, 2020. The conversation is a BBC series covering the works of various young innovators around the world finding ways to tackle the challenges around the Covid-19 pandemic.

KnowCovid19 was founded in Nigeria to curb the spread of fake news in the country. While speaking, Abideen noted that the organisation has dispelled fake news like ones relating to 5g being the cause of the virus.

“Fight fake news, reduce boredom, and create opportunities for young people” is the the slogan of the KnowCovid19 Nigeria group, and Abideen shared ways they’ve been discouraging fake news, and activities the group has been encouraging people to do in order to fight boredom, like gaming, reading, exercising, and movie watching.

Nigeria has recorded over 4000 Coronavirus cases with various lockdown protocols issued across different states in the West African nation.

Part of Abideen’s work includes educating citizens that “COVID-19 is not something that affects only the rich. We have a whole of of Nigerians saying that as well”.

Abideen is one of the few innovative Nigerians who are not leaving the fight against the pandemic to government alone. His organisation updates the website daily, powered by a team of young researchers, journalists and digital media strategists.

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