AbdulRazaq, Undeterred By Criticisms -By Babatunde Opoola. - 9japarrot


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Sunday, 21 June 2020

AbdulRazaq, Undeterred By Criticisms -By Babatunde Opoola.

One year after AbdulRazaq assumed office as governor of Kwara State in 2019, the question posed has been if he is meeting the expectations and aspirations of the people of Kwara State.

The question becomes imperative for several reasons. First, the people of the state had craved for a new leadership and new beginning of service delivery. Secondly, he also made  promises on governance with a difference and service delivery with a focus on the people.

Having been disappointed by the mis-governace, the people had high expectations of the AbdulRazaq government. They saw in AbdulRazaq the vibrancy, the astuteness and above all the refreshing air they wanted in government. AbdulRazaq, many know, has been around enough to truly recognize and appreciate the expectations and aspirations of the people. They also know that from his record as a successful businessman, he is not only out to make a change but also meet their expectations and not dampen their optimism.

Coming with a well-defined agenda which targeted basic deliverables of any serious government; he rekindled hope in a people full of apathy because of the unenviable scorecard of the past administrations in the state. AbdulRazaq earned the trust, even if not completely, of the people.

With the internecine war in Kwara APC, his political party at the state and desparate interest  rearing their head, report of poor quality of governance laced with characteristic rhetoric of politicians are now being churned out from both intra and inter party opposition in Kwara State.

First it was not taking care of the party,then it became not thinking outside the box, and then it is that he is not patronizing the " party stakeholders" with appointments and privileges. Even some members of his party have jumped ship, some claiming poor patronage and some others no patronage at all. 

The objective reality in Kwara State shows that the governor has in the last 365 days touched the lives of the people of the state in more ways than had been touched by the past administrations put together.

The achievements in the health sector remains  one area which its impact cannot be derided. The focus and determination to flattening the curve of the Covid-19 pandemic through effective, qualitative and accessible healthcare delivery, increase in healthcare facilities and other intervention efforts of the governor have brought local and national acclaim. The state has consistently maintained his ranking as one the best State in Covid-19 response according to the Federal Government rating.

There is also attention-arresting urban renewal programmes going on in the state capital as well as other locations in  other major towns in the state. AbdulRazaq's  urban renewal projects are not only eye catching and impressive, opening up new vistas for economic development and creating employment for teeming youths who had earlier been neglected by previous administration, they also come complimented by an equally important and broader intervention in community development.

In the provision of potable water, the administration of AbdulRazaq has resuscitated abandoned waterworks and sinking more boreholes. Water is running from dry taps. The provision of potable is of paramount importance to this administration, and AbdulRazaq is not ready to leave any stone unturned in this area. The same is true of other areas as he insists on ensuring that the people truly enjoy the dividends of democracy.

All over Kwara State, there are massive infrastructural upgrades - probably unprecedented; significant health sector improvement - never so witnessed in the State of Harmony; enviable urban renewal programmes yet to be equalled and enhanced agricultural intervention- yet unmatched going on. And AbdulRazaq is not about letting go as he is breaking new grounds everyday.

It is safe to conclude that since he has achieved these feats in about 380 days,then the people need more of his attention and less of distraction masquerading as opposition.

AbdulRazaq, pick your steps gingerly. Don't be stampeded to commit political hara-kiri because you want to please party leaders. Kwarans trust only you and you shall give account of your stewardship.

Those who want to be with the governor should be allowed to enjoy the peace and patronage, while others who have found greener pastures elsewhere or have drawn the battle line should make do with what they have and not be outside and pissing into another man's house.

It can also be said that the state is on the path to more life-transforming infrastructural developments, which will further make it a cynosure of all eyes and a true place of pride, as this is the solemn promise of the APC  he represents in Kwara State.

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