Gov AbdulRazaq elated as Radio Kwara station goes 24 hours - 9japarrot


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Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Gov AbdulRazaq elated as Radio Kwara station goes 24 hours

Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq on Tuesday expressed confidence in the turnaround of the state’s premier broadcaster Radio Kwara as the station launches 24-hour broadcast on Wednesday.

“I am glad announce to the world that for the first time since its founding, the Radio Kwara, our collective patrimony that was once upon a time the pride of our people, will be going 24 hours at 12 a.m. on Wednesday,” the Governor said in a statement he personally signed to herald the new dawn in the history of the station. 

“This is a new chapter for this great radio station. Similar development is in the work for Kwara State Television Authority and the Herald newspaper. I congratulate the management and staff of Radio Kwara for this feat and I urge them to never drop the ball. I call on every Kwaran, home and abroad, to support the new vision for our own Radio Kwara. The new management has the mandate to make the Radio Kwara the darling of every citizen by giving voice to everyone, broadening the civic space, and adhering to professionalism.

“From a station that was off air just over 12 months ago, it is heartwarming to see Radio Kwara become an emerging success story that is built on the right investments, conducive working environment, and an atmosphere of mutual respect.” 

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