SORROWFUL!: A 3rd Year Law Student of KWASU commits Suicide - 9japarrot


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Sunday, 21 June 2020

SORROWFUL!: A 3rd Year Law Student of KWASU commits Suicide

Fatimah Abdullahi, a Law Student of Kwara State University Malete who was in 300L, has been reliably confirmed dead, after commiting suicide. 

Reports gathered by 9japarrot noted that the deceased committed the suicide on Thursday afternoon where she allegedly slipped down after taking some dose of the popular known chemical substance called 'Sniper'.

As at when we received this reports the causes of why she committed Sucide is yet to be known, as all efforts to speak with the family of the deceased Fatimah proof abortive.  

9japarrot can authoritatively confirmed that she has been battling with depression, which definitely lead to this bad omen.

Meanwhile the National Association of Kwara State Law Students (NALKAS) has commeserated with Fatimah's family over the death of their daughter.

NALKAS in it's Statement made available to this Newsmen has pledged to fight against sucide, and aggressively calls for the ban on use and importation of the chemical substance called "Sniper".

This is not the first time that beautiful, handsome and young promising Youths, who most especially in undergraduate levels would be loosing their lives to suicide as a result of depression. 9japarrot feel alots of Sensitization and counseling is needed to curtail this menace.

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