The Education I Fantasized - By Sikiru Issa Nuhu - 9japarrot


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Wednesday, 17 June 2020

The Education I Fantasized - By Sikiru Issa Nuhu

Sikiru Issa Nuhu (Convener, Kwara Education Reform Summit 2019)

Education in the developed countries was not just perfect overnight, it passed through a gradual developmental stages. It is stupefying today because they were determined, focused and dedicated, ensuring they lead others in the pace. 
In developing any sector of the nation, education comes first and requires a huge resources and resourceful personnel who are after nothing but success. 

The story in my dear country is the other side of a coin. Thousands enjoyed free education and scholarships in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s hoping they will in return restructure through their exposures and experiences. But, we were caged in a glass house with treasury outside. The glass was made of quality and sensitive securities. You can only see the good part of it but can’t feel it. Only a few who are opportuned, have a taste of the best education. 

The present situation of our education at all level is like a tuber of spoilt yam, some parts are rotten while some can still be managed. If continued to be left untouched, it will get decayed. 
Nigerians are the architect of their problems and they are also the messiahs of their situations. The needful is expected so other sectors won’t collapse. Only with quality Education can we develop. 

Now, The Education I Fantasized:

  • There should be no discrepancy between private and public institution’s, rather they collaborate in achieving same goals and not only PROFIT.

  • There should be a policy that mandate every child to have at least minimum of SSCE.

  • There should be high level of technology inculcation into education that enables every learner learn anywhere, anytime and any day.

  • There should be high respect and remunerations for personnel’s in the education environment, as they are the determinant of the future through their expertise.

  • Other sectors should be developed through proficiency of personnel produced from the education institution.

  • Every soul should be ready and eager to learn, relearn and unlearn.

These can be achieved with determination, commitment and dedication. There is need for active collaboration and partnership between educational institutions and technological organizations in and outside Nigeria. 

This is a wakeup call to action and not an attempt to condemn the existing system. Together we can rewrite the history of our dear State and Country at large.

Written by:
Sikiru Issa Nuhu
Convener Kwara Education Reform Summit 2019.

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