Zoom outages hit as thousands of kids go back to school - 9japarrot

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Monday, 24 August 2020


Zoom outages hit as thousands of kids go back to school

Grade schools, high schools and universities are relying on Zoom and competing technologies like Microsoft Teams to help students learn remotely, and to reduce the chances of infection during the coronavirus pandemic [File: Gabby Jones/Bloomberg]

The video conferencing giant said it started receiving reports of disruptions around 13:00 GMT.

Zoom is experiencing partial outages during the first day of school for thousands of students who are relying on the video conferencing technology to connect with educators.

The company said on Monday that it began receiving reports of disruptions around 9am ET (13:00 GMT). It has identified the issue causing the problem and is working on a fix, it reported on its status page.

Technical issues are occurring across the United States, with the most reports on the East Coast, as well as in Europe, according to downdetector.com, which monitors self-reported outages.

Grade schools, high schools and universities are relying on Zoom and competing technologies like Microsoft Teams to learn remotely, and reduce the chance of infection during the pandemic.

The first day of school has rolled out throughout the US over the past several weeks, a hybrid of in-person and online classes. Last year, about 21 percent of US school districts - and 14 percent of elementary and secondary students - began instruction during the last week in August, according to the Pew Research Center.

Some school districts such as New York City, the nation's largest, do not begin classes until after Labor Day (Monday, September 7 in 2020).

Zoom Video Communications became a familiar tool to millions of new users after the spread of COVID-19 made face-to-face meetings risky. It now has about 300 million users.

The company suffered some growing pains during the early months of the pandemic, such as "Zoombombers" who crashed meetings, but it successfully went public in April.


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