Even the Buharists are hungry -By Soliu Arowolo Adam - 9japarrot


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Thursday, 17 September 2020

Even the Buharists are hungry -By Soliu Arowolo Adam

Certainly, it is not the pleasure of any patriotic citizen to always wants to criticize the government. Especially if the government has proven to be a working one. Before  president Muhammadu Buhari was elected as the president of Nigeria. I used to believe that anyone who opposed his election into power, did that as a result of personal grudges against him. Which could be political, ethnical or religious grudge. I didn't believe that it could be as a result of purported incompetency of Mr. President. But not anymore, because my belief has been re shaped. 

Hunger has flooded every nook and cranny of the country. Even the stomach's worms of the buharists to the core are growling. It's no longer a captivating topic to discuss how Mr. President has disappointed many Nigerians so far. But it still worth it, if we don't stop to pour out our anger.
Not only the poor but even the rich in Nigeria have been enslaved by hunger. The president subjected everyone to hardship. Just few weeks to the time when the lockdown imposed on Nigerians were eased. The federal government announced the increment in fuel price. Fuel being the major natural resource of  our country. It should be sold to Nigerians at the cheapest price and could be made as gold in the international market. Especially at this time when the bank account balance of most Nigerians has become slim, due to the raging of corona virus pandemic.

Both the poor and the rich ones were locked in their homes for more than five months, for the safety of their lives as said by the government. Not at this time of hardship, the government supposed to increase the fuel price. Because increase in the price of fuel is proportional to the increase in amount of food commodities and vice versa. And this births hardship for the citizen but hardship wasn't the promise of the president before he was voted to power.
So far Nigerian parents are finding it hard to feed their families, over the drastic increment in the price of food commodities . After a long hours toil in the sun, it is unacceptable not to be able to meet with one's family basic need. I therefore urge Mr. President to always contemplate on any  decision he wants or he is advice to make. As most of the decisions made, bounced negatively on the well being of average Nigerians. 

We hope that degraded economy, abject poverty, sickle-celled electricity, bad roads, insecurity and divided Nigerians wouldn't be the achievement of Mr. President at the end of his tenure. A patriotic Nigerian would choose to pray for the success of the government. Irrespective of the party he or she represents. Therefore we hope that Mr. President will do better than he has done.  Because the history book records both the bad and good deeds. 

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