Concerned ELCOM Reject NAKSS Election Result, Calls for Nullification - 9japarrot


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Thursday, 7 January 2021

Concerned ELCOM Reject NAKSS Election Result, Calls for Nullification

Concerned Members of The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF KWARA STATE STUDENTS, NAKSS, Electoral Committee Members (ELCOM) has written to the State Security Services, Kwara State Command, expressing their grievances in regards to the just concluded election.

The Concerned Members explained that the election was marred with so many Irregularities, and other electoral malpractise.

 In light with the above, they have requested that the just concluded election is nullify with immediate effect.

Bellow is the full contents of the letter made available to 9japarrot




We write to express our gross dissatisfaction with the way and manner the election of the National Association of Kwara State Students (NAKSS) was conducted on Wednesday, 6th January, 2021 as the process was marred by irregularities and characterised by processes that has made it eminent to write requesting the nullification of the elections and a complete disregard for results making rounds to be the outcome of the choice of Senators of the National Association of Kwara State Students (NAKSS).

As Members of the Electoral Committee of NAKSS, we swore to uphold the sanctity of the elections and in collaboration with Security Operatives and other Stakeholders provide NAKSS Senators a level playing ground to hold a peaceful transition. This resolve was far from what turned out yesterday as the electoral guidlines were altered intermittently to create room for partiality and rob the Electoral Committee of her independence.

Worthy of mention is the fact that the underlying list of irregularities has made us recommend that for the Electoral process  to be acceptable to all and sundry and the Institutions affiliated to ELCOM to maintain their integrity, the process be nullified and new Elections conducted.

1. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by The Directorate of State Security Services with the Leadership of NAKSS represented by the Senate President and Executive President stating that Elections will hold on January 6th and Four Stakeholders of NAKSS will be selected to observe the process was not obeyed as multiple stakeholders were involved in observation of the process, many of whom constituted a nuisance causing chaos and disturbing the peace of the elections. Some Stakeholders were even seen Sharing Monies and Campaigning for Aspirants within the voting hall.

2. ELCOM lost its independence as the Electoral Committee Chairman, Comr. Sa'ad Baki was recieving direct orders from Stakeholders on what to do during the electoral process violating the the independence code of ELCOM. The Chairman in a committee of 12 members was unilaterally taking decisions without the consent of members to satisfy those who were evidently putting him under pressure.

3. Accreditation of Senators done prior to the elections was not honoured as multiple unqualified Senators from the Northern Axis were allowed access into the Election venue and allowed to vote by Security Operatives and the Electoral Committee Chairman against the wish of ELCOM members and Senators which was backed up by Security advise from the D.P.O of Police present in the Venue of the Election.

4. NAKSS is run representative of the three Senatorial Districts in Kwara State and due to the multiple irregularities and intimidation which Senators present were been subjected to. The Senators from the South and Central axis staged a walk out of the Electoral process haven raised multiple observations on issues and the Security Operatives and ELCOM Chairman refused to listen to them. The results of the Elections conducted then couldn't have reflected the 2/3rd majority needed by an Aspirant to win in any of the elected positions.

5. Vote Buying and Intimidation was reported by Senators to ELCOM but the Chairman, Comr. Sa'ad Baki believed to have colluded with the perpetrators claimed to be ignorant and took no action to stop a glaring act of electoral fraud with was backed up with video evidences.

Director Sir, as a leader of the Security outfit that was a front liner in the proposed success of this electoral process. we reiterate our resolve that you nullify the Kangaroo Election and it's outcome as announced by the Chairman. It doesn't reflect the report of the choices of NAKSSITES and the process urgently needs to be redressed to avoid breakdown of law and order amongst NAKSSites.

We remain hopeful that we will get a swift response on this request made and NAKSSites will have a reason to trust the DSS with the Security of their activities in the future.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Comr. Olaoti Ademola O.
Secretary, ELCOM NAKSS

Comr. Olowatosin Adeniyi
Chairman ELCOM Venue Committee, NAKSS

Comr. Oladimeji Kolapo
Member, ELCOM Security Committee, NAKSS

Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, Executive Governor, Kwara State
Commandant, Civil Defence, Kwara State Command
Commissioner of Police, Kwara State

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