From Friends To Lovers Forever! Yusuf Binuwa & Zaynab’s Beautiful Wedding Photos + Love Story - 9japarrot

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Saturday, 8 January 2022


From Friends To Lovers Forever! Yusuf Binuwa & Zaynab’s Beautiful Wedding Photos + Love Story

Yusuf Binuwa and His Sweetheart, Zaynab 😍😍

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale. To tie the knot with the love of your life is certainly one of the most beautiful things ever and we have chosen to always celebrate this amazing achievement every chance we get!

Today, we're celebrating with the handsome Binuwa and his sweetheart, Zaynab 😍

      It's a forever journey and of course, we're astonished.

Binuwa and Zaynab were cousins friends and their friendship gradually bloomed into a full-blown garden of love.

You get to enjoy their beautiful love stories as you scroll down.

The two tied the knot in a vibrant rich engagement and then sealed it off with their Nikkah Ceremony with a little touch of Hausa cultural display, and oh my God! It all came together so beautifully.

Enjoy their love stories below!

How we met by the groom:

The handsome groom, Binuwa narrated how he met the love of his life;

We started as just mere cousins friends. I had the privilege to visit her family on several occasions, they are lovely people. The kind of family one will always wish to marry from 🥰.

She also had the privilege to visit my family too. So, most times when she came visiting us, I usually observe her, while secretly crushing for her 😍.

Lovely bride, Zaynab

Some of the qualities that I found attractive in her are her calmness, being very reserved, and kind of shyness traits. I found all these very attractive and I can't stop dripping for her. I keep crushing 😍 for her every day.

So, I decided to man up and make some moves to be just a close friend. I wanted to know more about her and then from their hopeful, it goes to the next level.

We finally exchange contacts. It's all started from a mere greeting conversation. 

Days in Day out, through several phone calls even through the thick of the night. Just to hear her voice is now becoming like a compulsory dose 😍.  We became best of friends, and it leads to a strong relationship between us. The connection just keeps getting stronger every day.

Today, I'm happy to say YES to my best friend! 🥰

More Lovely pictures from their Wedding Dinner:





Pictures from their Nikkah 


Makeup by @ashmie_beauty
Event planner: @yeesha__ushers
Fabric: @brides_world_

EDITORIAL: #9japarrotWeddings is an extension of  9japarrot media focusing on promoting the African culture, lifestyles, and its heritage through featured stories of fascinating African weddings events, and bringing to the screen of our esteemed users and readers in Kwara State, Nigeria, and beyond.

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